Privacy statement
Privacy statement
Fly1 AS takes your privacy seriously, and has therefore chosen to only use cookies that are necessary to save which language you want to read the website in and to avoid bothering you with cookie notifications every time you visit the website.

Who we are

Our website address is:

Information cookies

pll_language – Used to save which language you choose to read the website in

cookie_notice_accepted – Used to save that you have accepted necessary cookies on the website

Who we share your information with

We only use information that you yourself have chosen to send to us through a form on the website, via e-mail, in regular mail or in other ways.

We use this information to provide the services you have requested from us, for example sending you price quotes for propellers or aircraft.

To the extent that this is necessary to deliver the services you have requested, we may share this information with others.

How long we keep information from you

We keep information from you until you ask us to delete it.

Your rights regarding information about you

You can request that we delete all personal data we have about you. This does not include information we are required to store for administrative, legal or security reasons.